In the Beaumes de Venise appellation, the terroirs tell a millennia-old story shaped by geological eras and the whims of nature. Discover the diversity of soils that give rise to unique and expressive wines.
馃憠 The Ochre Soils of Trias (200/230 million years ago), with its characteristic red soils, proudly stands at the top of the appellation. Known for its robust, complex wines that are well-suited for aging, it offers enchanting notes of jammy black fruits.
馃憠 The White Soils of Bel Air (Cretaceous period), nestled at the bottom of the appellation, reveal silky wines with intense fruit aromas. Their delicate nuances captivate the senses and invite you to taste.
馃憠 The Gray Soils of Farisiens (Upper Jurassic) stretch around the commune of Lafare, between hills and the summits of the Dentelles. They produce elegant and ample wines, adorned with subtle hints of spices.
To learn more about the soils of Beaumes de Venise, visit:
– Official site of AOC Beaumes de Venise
– Official site of Rh么ne wines
Find our Beaumes de Venise red wines in your local stores:
– Terroir Daronton, Beaumes de Venise
– Terroir Daronton, Limited Edition, Beaumes de Venise
– Le Petit Trias, Beaumes de Venise