Terroir Daronton Ventoux is made from grapes grown on three different types of soil, which explain its unique personality and suave flavour: hills with light sandy soil, slopes with zaffer, a mix of sandstone and sand sediment, and a terrace of fallen rocks propitious to winegrowing.
The Vignerons’ Ventoux wines are made specifically to highlight their fruitiness. When it comes time to pick the grapes, they are always extremely aromatic, with an intoxicating smell. In order to make the most of this superb fruit, the Vignerons use state-of-the-art equipment to ferment the must at a temperature of 15-16°C. This gentle treatment results in naturally balanced and fruity wine, which is aged for a short while in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats and bottled early.
To find out more about the Ventoux appellation
To discover all our terroirs